The challenge for the greatest living filipino Search Engine Optimization is finally going to end this coming October 1, 2010. The challenge is for the students for web marketing class of Sir Kahlil Corazo. It has been a very good fight for all my classmates who worked hard for their position in Google search engine right now. Congratulations to those people who, by working hard in their site, became the greatest living filipino themselves.
Doing this site made me strive to write the blogs about different people whom I think are the greatest living filipino. In this challenge, I learned not only how to make my site on the first page of Google when one types in "greatest living filipino" in the search but also I learned how to appreciate the filipinos who are worth calling "the greatest living filipino." I salute those people!
Another thing that I learned when I entered the "greatest living filipino SEO challenge" is that I can also express myself by simply writing what is in my mind.
And now, as this challenge closes its curtain to fame, I challenge everyone to start expressing yourself by trying to blog about what you want to say. It is not a crime to express what you really think, whether it talks about good or bad things. Just write what you want to say. This will help you alot in the future.
Again, congratulations to my fellow classmates for making this greatest living filipino SEO challenge exciting!